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Hey there! I’m Neha. A young woman, beginning to write my own story, setting my heart on a successful future. Think of colour, clamour, diversity, deep routed culture, and the largest democracy in the world; India is an integral part of my being. Hailing from such a country where people fight to make their dreams a reality every raising day, I have learnt large perspectives, and that my mission of being self-sufficient can only be achieved with immense clarity and the most valuable currency of all - Time. I invest my time wisely in fruitful endeavours that lead to beneficial growth.

Challenges? They don’t scare me. An idle mind does. I embrace change wholeheartedly, with great optimism. I accept rejections for they are only re-directions. Unafraid to express my emotions, I value relationships deeply and protect my people fearlessly. I am never afraid to speak my truth and usually have a lot to say. 




Polimoda Fashion School

Florence, Italy

Fashion Brand Management (M.FBM) - Current

Building visionary, active, creative and relational qualities while mastering the mechanisms that govern the life cycles of fashion brands. 


National Institute of Fashion Technology

Bangalore, India

Fashion Design (B.Des) - 8.7 CGPA

A design sensitization that balances global fashion aesthetics with an Indian soul. Secured the Student of the year award, 2020 and Meritorious student award, 2020.


Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan

Chennai, India

Commerce (CBSE) - 90%

Building knowledge of the economy, trade and commerce, and accounting while specialising in mathematics. Secured the All-rounder award, 2016.










Every city has a new experience to offer; wound in its own history, culture and fragrance. Unfolding the possibilities of life in a new city excites me. The world is so large yet so small, for there will always be threads of comfort that weave old experiences with new ones. Understanding and breathing through these little challenges and moments of awareness help me get better everyday as a human. 


Cooking to me is a multisensory act that inspires love in the heart of the chef as well as the foodie who relishes the plate; it is a peaceful process to undergo and create; to me, one of the very satisfying thrills of all!


When it comes to unconditional love, the greatest would be that shared between a mother and her child; the latter would be the way dogs love humans. So much, that I debate if they're another species at all; with the way they make us laugh, comfort us when we're blue, listen to us with laser focus and teach us to be more human! The bond that a dog and human share are unparalleled in depth.

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